Battlefleet gothic armada increase fleet points mod

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It was all just eye candy and thankfully effortless camera control. Anyone who posits the lack of z-axial movement as a deficit is kidding themselves, primarily because even the great Homeworld never mechanically benefited from its three-dimensionality. But if you want the definitive musing as the full release burns from its Port Maw mooring, read on.Īrmada delivers a full broadside of 40k bombast better than any other Games Workshop video game, and that's probably due to its lavish naval trappings. The same level of fidelity and quality remain from the beta, which you can ogle here.

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Looking back on our in-depth interview with Tindalos founder and Armada production honcho Romain Clavier, Tindalos have delivered on their lofty promises. No secrets here: Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is damn good. Among the fire sale of licensing comes Tindalos Interactive's tabletop-turned-digital take on the now sadly discontinued pewter and plastic of starship combat in the 41st Millennium. I've played my fair share of Warhammer 40K games and, in hindsight, the quality strike rate is pretty damn high.