This means that the usual tables I include for class growths wouldn't work nearly as well for the children. Child growth rates aren't clear-cut like parent growth rates are, as they are a function of the child's base growths and the parent's base growths.I have already discussed pretty much every single possible skill that any of the children could learn as any class during the course of my other unit articles, so doing individual child articles would be redundant, to say the least.Readers that also dabble in writing can probably appreciate the workload that this entails, by default. There are a whopping thirteen child units.However, these are the reasons why I was initially considering only this one article about the child units: By popular demand, I an going to write up individual child unit articles as time permits. This article is going to be an in-depth article related to the thirteen child units that you can recruit in Fire Emblem: Awakening.